Thursday, November 20, 2014


I debated whether I should post an update today or not as I've sat here crying. I passed my exam last Thursday (and should have posted an update as I was feeling better than today), but I felt, I'd wait until this week. Well today was not good. I went into the exam feeling 'ok', not great, but I was sure I knew enough info to get through it. Well, I didn't.  

It's been the most difficult semester of nursing school. It seems the exams are each harder than the previous one and the questions seem to come out of nowhere. The required reading for each lecture is often the wrong chapter and/or page numbers so you aren't sure exactly what you should be reading. As a night time clinical student, I do not get the opportunity to attend 'live' lectures but have to view pre-recorded lectures (some of which are a year old). Previous semesters the lectures that were taught live in the morning were recorded and uploaded so that we saw and heard exactly what was taught to the day clinical group. We were told that there was no room if we wanted to attend the live lecture (basically a punishment for not being 'daytime' students). 

It's been a very frustrating semester and I can only pray and read and study what I can and hope that the final two exams keep me on the passing side. I go into the last two exams with a lot of weight on my shoulders. I have worked so very hard and truly just want to get done so I can move forward and start practicing all in the real world. 

I truly hope the next update I post will be me passing my next exam! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly! How I pray that you'll look back at this from wearing your nurse's uniform, glad that it's over, but having made it through to the other side! You've come so far! Gotta wonder if you had the same opportunities as those who take the classes during the day, if you would be doing better! It doesn't seem fair that all students aren't given the same opportunities!
