Saturday, January 24, 2015


Well, now that I'm done school, I wasn't sure I'd continue blogging. Some day I will really get back to scrapbooking (my true passion), but in the meantime I guess I'll continue this since a few were asking what's going on.  

Following my Pinning Ceremony I focused on Christmas and my family. I didn't think about school at all! It really was nice to focus on family for a change.

Our school was providing a course in preparing for the NCLEX. This course, ATI, is part of the new curriculum that is being used for the newer nursing students. The school offered this prep course for free. I had already signed up for Kaplan as I had heard a lot about how it really helps you prepare for the biggest test of life, (that's how I feel about it, lol). So many had opted to cancel Kaplan and just do the ATI program offered by our school (since it was free and Kaplan is not cheap). I knew I would want all the help I could get and decided to not cancel that.

So January started back at school, lol. It was three long days of questions and rationales. In the end, I didn't think I was feeling very confident still and very happy I had not cancelled Kaplan. I started Kaplan on January 13th and just finished up this past Thursday. It really is an amazing program and helps you understand WHAT they are looking for in the answer. I enjoyed the program and hope I as well when I take the NCLEX. I'm not sharing the actual date I'm going to test as I kill myself with test anxiety and having my loved ones asking how I'm doing or if I passed just adds to that. All I'll say at this point is I plan on testing in February. For now I will continue to do practice questions and lots of them to prepare for the NCLEX and TRY to not stress myself out.

In the meantime, I have registered and been accepted to Wilmington University where I'll be going on for my BSN. I hope to obtain a job at my current employer as they would then pay for this!!!

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot!! Today, in the mail was my college diploma!!! Since I didn't bother going to college when I was younger, I never thought I'd say I am a college graduate!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! You've gotta do what you've gotta do even if it means not telling everyone the date. I think that's a smart idea! Anything you can do to remove as much stress as possible! Breathe! Let all those answers that are running around in your head just come pouring out!
