Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Well, yesterday morning I took the NCLEX! I was waiting, very impatiently, for notification of whether I passed or not. I relied on God to get me through the exam. Sunday in church one of the hymns that we sang was "All Your Anxiety" and giving it to God, leaving it at the mercy seat. That song had to have been just for ME, right, cause I'm sure no one else is going through anxiety right now (right?), haha!

So, on Sunday, I did just what our Kaplan instructor said, NOTHING related to the NCLEX. No studying, no cramming, use the day to relax. I went to church, I got my nails done, I sat and watched the Super Bowl (commercials) and had snacks with Dale during the evening. It was a relatively relaxing day.

Monday morning, I woke and prayed for peace, for wisdom, to relax and take my time. I arrived at Dunkin Donuts at 7am to have coffee with a classmate who was testing this morning also. I told very few people I was testing this specific day, as I am my worst enemy. My test anxiety gets me so often and the stress of others asking if I heard anything, if I passed, if I tested, was to much to deal with, so I trusted this date with very few. Please do not be offended if you were not one of those very few who knew I was testing this morning. (I have family who didn't know).

We arrived at the testing center about 20-25 minutes before the test was to 'start'. The process of getting into the testing room is top security. You have to read a statement, provide your photo id (which name must match the name taking the exam, exactly; and the photo must look like you, so no outdated passport photos); have both palms scanned (palm vein scan) and your photo taken. You then must scan to enter the testing room and to exit it at any time (break, bathroom or completion of exam).

I was escorted to the specific computer I was to use for this exam. The TA signed me in and I was seated in walled off section with just my computer, my id, my key to the locker where I stored my snack and jacket and the dry erase board that we could use to write out things if necessary (often for calculation problems). During Kaplan our instructor told us to write our name and RN at the top of that page. I did just that! That was why I was there and needed to keep the focus.

I had done so many practice tests and knew that I had to take a break at approximately 30 questions in.  This seemed so quickly after I had started but I stuck with what I knew worked for me and I took a break. I came back and continued on with my exam. I never heard my friend leave (heard the person cleaning off the workstation). After I finished 75 questions my exam shut off!!!!! Oh my gosh, that was the scariest feeling. I knew the minimum number of questions you can get is 75, but the most is 265 and you are taught to be prepared to sit for the entire six hours. I did not think it was possible to have passed that quickly.

When I got home, I did what we were told did not work, I attempted to register to take the NCLEX again. The screen that popped up said I could not register for the exam. This is 'supposed' to mean you passed! I was excited but afraid that the trick was no longer valid and that I had not passed. I was crazy waiting, knowing I would not find out for at least 24 hours, but, I just wanted to know!!!!

This morning when I woke, I checked my email right away, hoping to see something, but no, nothing yet, ugh!!!! I got up and showered and hoped that I'd know before I head into work later today (no access to email at work). Just a short time later, I had several text messages from a couple friends (a group message) and one of those had taken the exam yesterday also. She said "OUR LICENSES ARE ONLINE"!!!!! Oh my gosh, I DID IT! I was really an RN!!!

I have to truly thank those who have helped me throughout this journey. The next step is to get that resume updated and find a 'real' job! I'll be sure to update on that process also.


  1. So the minimum number of questions was 75...doesn't that mean you got all 75 right? How could you not know you passed, then?! If you hadn't gotten them all right wouldn't you have had a ton more questions to answer? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Lynn, the exam is based on competency and there is a 'pass line'. The exam starts asking you a question above the pass line, if you get that correct, you get a harder question, if you get that incorrect, you get an easier question. It's an adaptive exam, so the next question is based on how you answered the previous. The goal is to get a string of correct answers which puts you further above the pass line so when you get some incorrect answers you don't drop below the pass line. This goes on anywhere from 75 - 265 questions. Typically the more questions you get (some get the full 265) means you are hovering around the pass line. It's scary to me that an exam determined in 75 questions that I am nurse!!!

  2. This cracked me up! So the computer could just tell that you're a fantastic nurse from those 75 questions and didn't need to go any further! I was pretty amazed that you found out so quickly! When you posted you were an RN I was shocked! Assumed the test was farther into Feb and that it would take weeks to get the results. What a world we live in! I'm so thrilled for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I took the first available date to test for fear if I did not pass, I still would get through it before all the 'new nurses' who will be graduating in May. I was hoping for results in 24-48 hours but wasn't positive.

  3. There aren't words for how happy I am for you! U dun good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
